Meet Our Transplant Chickens

During the Covid-induced supply disruptions, large factory farms faced difficulties in delivering their products to the market, leading to the unfortunate gassing of millions of chickens. Fortunately, we had the opportunity to collaborate with an organization dedicated to rescuing as many of these chickens as possible. Through our efforts, we were able to save hundreds of these birds from a cruel fate, allowing them to find purpose in their lives.

Chickens in factory farms, including those labeled as free-range, cage-free, or organic, endure immense suffering due to overcrowding and inhumane living conditions. As a result, they often lose their feathers, experience deformed beaks and toes, and struggle to exhibit natural chicken behaviors. Typically, these chickens are culled after approximately two years.

To combat this issue, we have allocated a se

ction of our farm to the rescue of these chickens, providing them with a better and more fulfilling life. Witnessing their feather regrowth, increased tranquility, and the rediscovery of their innate chicken instincts among the rest of the flock in a genuinely free-range environment is a remarkable experience.

All of our egg products are sourced from these remarkable birds. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have them, and we will continue to maximize our limited resources to save as many chickens as possible.